I started the Zolder Museum (zolder: Dutch word for attic) in March 2011 as an artistic research project because I wanted to create an environment which feels like home for art, artists and viewers, to understand the initial human need for artistic creation and, more importantly, what this creation (art) can do; I called myself the director because I wanted to appropriate the power I felt I lacked as an artist within the art world structure. In order to gain deeper understanding for the subject and matter of artistic practice I needed to put myself in a situation through which I can simulate the existing social arrangement the art world is based upon and observe and direct its development and growth. The space of approximately 30 m2 is divided between a gallery, office, library, museum shop and storage room.
The Zolder Museum is simultaneously developing in two directions; the development of the museum as an art institution and the development of the museum as my art work. These two directions are intertwined and one is affecting the other by becoming one unanimous movement. The way I organize the museum is in the center of my artistic practice. All arrangements within the Zolder Museum, whether artistic, curatorial, organizational or bureaucratic, are part of my art work.
The Zolder Museum is a movement of ideas as much as it is the physical space; it is an attitude towards artistic creation and life as much as it is an art institution. As founder and director of The Zolder Museum, whose artistic practice is being the director of a self-made museum, I think of the Zolder Museum as a meeting space directed by one continuous thought/question: how do we contribute to the existing social environment seen and defined as reality? Can art effect the betterment of that reality? Can it create reality? If it can, what kind of reality is necessary to be created? These questions are asked in the silence of my own heart; working at finding out answers is both part of my professional activity as an artist and a personal life-long journey.
Artist Statement,
March 2013
Iva Supic Jankovic